Mt. Cheaha: First trip! w/ John, Kevin, & Juan 2/2/2013

I'm writing this more than a year after it occurred, just trying to log all my adventures on the same blog. This trip was with John, Kevin, and Kevin's friend, Juan. This was Juan's first backpacking trip ever. We started out at the Mt. Cheaha trailhead and planned to head up the Pinhoti to Odum's point. We weren't sure, but we figured this might be a really high point. Never actually made to Odum point, but we did indeed find some good scenery. I'm not sure exactly what John was laughing at So, we're all coming around a switchback when Kevin spots a little "shortcut" trail. He was 4th in the line of all of us, takes off jogging down shortcut trail mouthing something along the line of "look at me suckas!" when his foot catches a log and.....FACEPLANT. It was beautiful! We all stood there and laughed at him for a good two minutes. You can see Juan bent over laughing hysterically in the pic below, which was taken as he wa...